Discover Us

Mount Damavand Group is a legacy of the Faramarzpour family, who have been operating the Oldest Camp of Mount Damavand for decades with dedication and sacrifice. They have safely led expeditions on Mount Damavand and passed this responsibility onto younger generations. Today, Rasoul Faramarzpour, backed by family expertise and a team of passionate young professionals, continues this tradition.

At Mount Damavand Group, we strive for excellence, ensuring smooth operations, top-quality service, and the warm, caring hospitality that is a hallmark of Iran.

We offer a wide variety of tour packages and services. in addition to organizing environmental preservation activities, we also hold educational and technical workshops like mountaineering courses and Ice Climbing School in collaboration with our loyal partners in Iran.

Our tours include a range of packages in categories such as Trekking, Skiing, and Mountain Biking. Browse through them and simply contact us to book the tour on your preferred date.

We also offer pre-scheduled tours for notable programs, like climbing Mount Damavand, which you can join at a reduced cost.

We highly recommend checking out our promotional offers. They are designed for individuals, tour agencies, and climbing clubs that are interested in long-term collaboration with us.

Our services are designed to streamline your trip. You can book your stay at mountain huts in advance, utilize our transportation service for various needs - including off-road transfers such as transfers between Camp 1 and Camp 2, arranging pack animals to transport your luggage to Camp 3, and airport transfers to Camp 1 or a location of your choice (subject to the destination/deal). If you choose our tour packages, we may also be able to assist with providing the necessary equipment and manage your visa application to accelerate the process and increase the chances of approval.

Visit us at the first camp of Mount Damavand, where you can discover the charm and tranquility of this ancient site, feel the uplifting vibes and concentrate on your journey.


Latest Update (08 Aug. 2024)

  • If you're unsure about planning a trip to Iran because of what you've seen or heard in the news, please be assured that the conditions within Iran remain as stable as they have been in the past. There has been no war since 1980, and we warmly welcome tourists. Feel free to contact us for more information and assistance with travel planning.
  • The schedule for 2024 Damavand Fixed-Departure-Tours has been released.
  • We are prepared to process your booking for the 2024 tours.
  • If you have a specific idea of what you want to see and do on your trip, we can help you make it happen. Just send us your custom tour request and we will work with you to create a personalized itinerary that suits your needs and preferences.

What Our Clients Say

We’ve got a notebook jam-packed with testimonials from our clients. Read them below or on this page.


Annette & Thorsten – Switzerland

We loved being here in this amazing landscape and beautiful mountains! But what made it the best and even more special?

The people with whom we were together the last days! You did a great job arranging everything on short notice from accommodation to fantastic food and transportation!

Thank you very much for everything to the whole Damavand Team, especially Rasoul, Majid, Farshid, Alireza and Hassan!

Viggo – Norway

Also, read the review on TripAdvisor

I got in touch with Mount Damavand Group as I wanted to do a solo and unguided attempt on the north route of Damavand. They were extremely helpful right from the start and made sure I got transport to and from the airport, even helping me with extra requests.

I hiked from Big Rock to the first base camp and pitched my tent on the first day. On the second day, I rested and got used to the altitude. I also had lots of great conversations with local climbers. I love Iranians! I summited on day 3, starting from the first base camp. It took me 7 hours to get to the summit, where I circumnavigated the small crater and enjoyed the beautiful view!

Iran is such a beautiful country, and I’ve really enjoyed myself! I’m coming back!

Viggo from Norway



Paulina & Tomasz – Poland

Also, read the review on TripAdvisor and Google Maps

It was a great and fantastic adventure!

We are delighted to participate in this amazing trip!
Iranian hospitality is incredible, people are so welcoming and the country is so beautiful!

Thanks for everything! 🙂

Paulina & Tomasz Kosciukiewicz

Magdalena, Arkadiusz and their group – Poland

For English, scroll down.


Bardzo chcieliśmy podziękować Wam za Wasze dobre serca, gościnność, przyjaźń i pomoc w zdobyciu przepięknej góry Damavand. Wszystkie wspomnienia związane z wyjściem na szczyt, wszystkie wspomnienia z tego miejsca, wspomnienie z Wami będą zawsze w naszych myślach i sercach do których będziemy tam wracać i zawsze opowiadać ilekroć ktoś zapyta, zawsze będziemy wspominać dobrze. “Zdobycie góry, szczytu Damawend dało nam siły i myśl o dobrym, pokoju, wolności, miłości, i przyjaźni i niech tak na zawsze zostanie.”



Do zobaczenia.


We would like to thank you very much for your kind hearts, hospitality, friendship and help in conquering the beautiful Damavand Mountain. All memories related to reaching the top, all memories from this place, the memory with you will always be in our thoughts and hearts to which we will return there and always tell whenever someone asks, we will always remember it well.

“Conquering the mountain, the peak of Damavand, gave us strength and the thought of goodness, peace, freedom, love, and friendship, and may it remain so forever.”

Thank you.


See you.

Magdalena Pilichowska, Arkadiusz Ziętek, Edyta Kudelska, Robert Pawlik, Szymon Strzelczyk, Sebastian Sprus

Ábel Molnár – Hungary

Dear Rasoul!

I am very happy to be back in this wonderful place. Damavand is still a beautiful volcano and you are just as kind, helpful, and professional as you were five years ago.

Thank you very much for everything! I hope that we will see each other again in my lifetime!

All the best to you and take care,

Molnár Ábel

Hungary, SZARVAS

Filip & Jakub – Poland

Also, read the review on TripAdvisor and Google Maps

It wasn’t easy, but we didn’t give up. The wind was strong, and snowfall was shooting into us. But thanks to Rasoul, Hamid, and the whole Mount Damavand Group crew, we were able to reach 5300m. Boom! But we’ll come back for the peak soon.

Thank you for your hospitality. There is no better place in the mountains competing with Rasoul’s VIP Shelter!

Filip & Jakub

From Poland #LECHISTAN

Nastya, Pasha & Irina – Russia

Also, read the review on TripAdvisor

For English, scroll down.

Нам посчастливилось быть гостями у Дамаванда с Mount Damavand Group. Это было увлекательно, надежно, безопасно и чрезвычайно позитивно. Мы любовались видами, высоко и далеко шагали с заботливыми, внимательными и компетентными гидами Расулом и Бахманом. Вершина порадовала красивым, живописным видом. На обратном пути мы любовались меняющейся погодой, а по возвращении в кемпинг нас ждали горячие напитки, вкуснейшая еда и душевные разговоры. Мы остались довольны, советуем этот опыт и вам! Спасибо! Настя, Паша и Ирина.

This is 11 October of 2023 and we were lucky enough to be guests of Damavand with the Mount Damavand Group. It was exciting, reliable, safe and extremely positive.

We admired the views, walked high and far with caring, attentive and competent guides Rasoul and Bahman. The peak pleased us with a beautiful, picturesque view. On the way back we admired the changing weather, and upon returning to the campsite hot drinks, delicious food and heartfelt conversations awaited us.

We were satisfied and recommend this experience to you too!

Thank you! Nastya, Pasha and Irina.

Tamas – Hungary

To reach Damavand peak is a hard, but beautiful journey.

Atmosphere of Camp 3 is so unique. Thank you for your hospitality. It was a very good experience. It was a pleasure to be part of the family for these days.

These are the memories we will never forget.❤️

Izabela – Poland

Rasoul, Thank you very much for the great climbing to Damavand.

I had a lot of fun and all the time – how you motivated – I was happy. The most important thing in the mountains for me is feeling safe and you did a great job. I felt not only safe but I trusted you. Even I put my feet where you put 🙂

Anyways thanks a lot for trip, food and delicious tea and coffee 🙂

Hope to see you again 🙂

And of course I can recommend you and your trip!

Ieva – Lithuania

Thank you Majid and Rasoul for all the help.

We are having the best time in Iran! Mount Damavand is very beautiful and I would recommend everyone to come and see themselves 🙂

Abel – Hungary

Majid and Rasoul were so helpful.

Rasoul reserved me everything, the accommodations, the transfer from 2nd. Camp to 1st. Camp and that was really good for me. Breakfast and dinner were so delicious, I loved it. Of course, Damavand was amazing, the biggest adventure in my life.

Maybe I’m coming back in the future with my family.

Thank you!!!

Jakub – Czech Republic

We had the best Experience with Majid, Rasoul and the whole team during our Damavand Ascent.

The Guides were Truly Professional and the cook Ali prepared fantastic meal for us both in the 3rd. Camp and in 1st. Camp.

We are leaving this place with great memories.

Thank you!
Petr Disman – Czech Republic

Dear Hassan, Dear Rasoul,

We’ve had wonderful time here at Damavand and it was all because of you, your hospitality and your kindness.

There is so much positive energy around you. If you ever happen to visit the Czech Republic, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can find our video and pictures from our Damavand adventure at: We wish you all the best and hope to see you soon again!

Best regards,

Climbing Club Destne v Orlickych horach, Czech Republic
David – Germany

Dear Rasoul and Hassan,

All the best for making our weekend trip a pleasant holiday with good ski touring, delicious food and superb hospitality. We definitely have to return to experience Damavand peak and many descends around Do-Berar mountain ridge.

Servus, Salut & Ski Heil

David Kaszlikowski – SEA TO SUMMIT IN IRAN

Big, sincere thank you for your help during April filming of Bene Bohm run from Caspian Sea to the summit of Damavand.

As a one–man, summit cameraman I was immensely supported by Rasoul and his family. On the crucial summit day Rasoul was leading in deep, wet snow encouraging me to cut my rest-stops shorter, after all we were racing (with my tripods and cameras) against speed machine Thank you Rasoul. By the way, we had surprising hot day above 4200m which made my 4-layers trousers an overkill.

Since it was my second summit in last few days, I share one word of warning: while filming sulphur fumes at the peak I got poisoned which resulted with lungs inflammation. Beware!

Big thank you goes also to Hassan and Effat who fed me, watched photos, and were my advisers during my stay in Rineh.

You have really great tourism potential in the village.

All the best! My best greetings !

Dear Team of Camp 1!

Thank you very much for your great hospitality! And thank you very much for your support during our sea to summit project. We will send you the link to the movie!

All the best, Matheo, Dario, Beni, Alex, David
Joachim Jakobi – Germany

A German from the Eifel came after a chaotic journey to Rineh, meets Rasoul and a little later everything was forgotten.

The Iranians are so cordial without being intrusive. Was now the second time here in the country, I feel very well again.

Many thanks to Rasoul and his father for good service and food.

Morgan – Australia

The best guide a gal could have asked for when she decided to hike to 5610m.

He made me tea every night as I went to bed, and always cooked me so much food even when altitude had my hunger levels at zero. He gave me his light bag while he carried my heavy one, and massaged my arms when I lost all feeling in my hands. He laughed at my sunburn, and we both laughed at how he struggled to say my name.

He took every last bit of our rubbish back down to basecamp, and told me on day two that Damavand had claimed seven lives this year. He gave me extra warm clothes, and tucked me into bed with a double sleeping bag.

But my favourite bit was that he never doubted my ability to summit, even when I questioned it myself!

Marius and Vytautas – Lithuania


Thank you for your help, it was a pleasure to meet you. Our climb to Damavand wouldn’t be so perfect without you.

All the best from Lithuanian boys

Why with us?

In addition to organizing tours, holding mountain events and educational activities such as ice climbing school in Iran, we are also officially responsible for Camp 1 and Camp 3 of Mount Damavand; all the coordination, logistical support of expeditions, booking of shelters, issuing permit, recruiting and training of mountain guides, transportation services and close cooperation or support of Iran's mountain search and rescue forces are done by our experienced team members and trustworthy partners in field of tourism and adventurous activities.